Oh, don’t even talk to me about 2020. Mildly ironic that I haven’t made a single post all year. New topic.
I long to be a better writer, artist, maker, coder, basically everything.
So I wrote this piece of flash fiction today.
Oh, don’t even talk to me about 2020. Mildly ironic that I haven’t made a single post all year. New topic.
I long to be a better writer, artist, maker, coder, basically everything.
So I wrote this piece of flash fiction today.
You sit there thinking you wish you were me, but really, you wish you were me only about 1% of the time – the “potentially beating up the foule goblins at a safe distance by using magic” portion of the time. And that 1% of the time is certainly fun, but the 99% of the time spent wandering around without internet connectivity, smelling of muck and horse and sweat and really bad soap, with no coffee and rarely tea, and even the small beer is beyond consumption because no one ever thought of the idea of a water filter… Well, you can romanticize it and say I don’t know any better but, dear reader, I do know better, for I am staring through the mists of time rolling my eyes at you. I know I have been shafted by having a medieval romantic life that is foot-sore and travel-weary and does not include nearly enough cosseted-up-in-the-corner-of-a-warm-and-not-very-smelly-cozy-homely-secluded-and-did-I-mention-warm-again-hut-reading-a-spellbook time.
So think twice about what you yearn for, and next time you invent a wonderful fantasy world, be sure to dream up some really brilliant soap.